Our Coalfield School Story continued this week with some positive things and some challenging things as well. As always, we will focus on the positives and face the challenges and look to improve on them.
Ms. Shelia Harvey and I were intentional about getting into classrooms to observe our students and teachers. I observed Ms. Jenice Pearson’s 3rd grade class as they were engaged in a lesson about persuasive writing. I was so impressed with this lesson. Ms. Jenice did a phenomenal job of keeping every student engaged throughout the lesson. Students paired up to edit and revise each other’s sentences. They used colored pencils to mark mistakes or add corrections. They then came back together as a whole group to discuss/teach about their findings with Ms. Jenice and classmates. Students then would vote on the best sentences to use to create a persuasive paragraph.
I also had an opportunity to sit in on a mesurement lesson in Ms. Tiffany Walls 2nd grade classroom. Ms. Tiffany also did a phenomenal job engaging all her students in the learning process. Students broke out into groups of 2 or 3 and discussed the sequence of steps when measuring in objects with a ruler in different units. I loved the discussion students were having about what they had learned and what they needed to know throughout this lesson.
Ms. Emily Payne’s class won the attendance award for being present and name that tune winner. Chick-fil-A was provided by Melissa Morales with community in schools.
Our CMS softball girls kicked their season off this past week as they beat Ft. Loudon. High School Baseball did very well in scrimmages against Oak Ridge, Kingston, and Midway this week.
Our high school girls basketball team won the district tournament championship this week. They also hosted and defeated Rockwood in the first round of the Regional Tournament. They advanced to the next round which will be played at Wartburg against Wartburg.
Another of our senior lady jacket basketball player presented their jersey to the teacher who has had a huge impact on their Coalfield School journey. A. J Armes presented her jersey to Ms. Karen Flowers Watson. Thank you Coach Josh Wright for implementing this encouraging gesture.
Our middle school and high school God Squads met again this week. Thank you to Coach Peyton Tinker, Pastor Corey Jones, Youth Pastor Aaron Leslie, and Ms. Misty Kring for meeting with our students who wanted to participate.
Ms. Melanie Mckinney and Coach Ted Mckinney along with Pleasant Grove Church members hosted our elementary students for their monthly Bible Release time. We have so many students who have parental permission to attend that we now must make two bus runs to accommodate them. I’m thankful for all who make this available to our students.
Please continue to pray for our staff, students, and school. Corporate prayer is at 8:30 each morning. Set your alarm and join us wherever you are.
Have a strong day!