The Coalfield School Story continues to be one with so many positive experiences for our staff, our students, and our community.
Our CMS boys basketball team won the District 8 championship defeating Sunbright convincingly. They will play Dalewood middle school out of Chattanooga Wednesday in the Sectional at Harriman.
Thank you to Coach Ted McKinney, Coach Kevin Walls, Coach Shelley Burgess, and Coach Josh Wright and their assistants for giving so much of their time, emotion, and energy to our student-athletes. Students and staff were actively engaged in learning activities throughout the building as Ms. Sheila and I walked through this past week. I love seeing our students and teachers enjoying the learning process together. Thank you to Mrs. Vanessa Steen McDaniel and Mrs. Andrea Crane for working hard to get our the new data wall up in middle school. Also, thank you to Mrs. Whitney Jackson and Mrs. Brianna Massengale for helping make this possible.
I want to thank Mr. Hixson and Mr. Lawson for always being willing to fill in for me as the wanding person at the metal detectors when I drive one of the bus routes in the morning as a sub. Also, thank you to Mr. Matt Murphy for filling in as principal while Mrs. Shelia and I were presenting at a conference on Friday.
I absolutely love to talk about the positive things our staff and staff and students are doing in our school and the positive things that happen in or for our school. This is why this past week I was excited for the opportunity to present to a group of administrators from different states about our school culture.
Mrs. Shelia and I were approached by leadership in the Elgin Children’s Foundation to speak to administrators about the phenomenal culture at Coalfield School. Folks, I will always take the opportunity to brag on our staff, students, and community. There were 116 administrators from Kentucky and Tennessee gathered at the DreamMore Spa and Resort in Severville. The Elgin Children’s Foundation is a Christian organization that has worked with me at Coalfield School for two years now. They provided me with a Principal Coach named Greg Wilson. Mr. Wilson was a principal at a school that showed improvement for 14 consecutive years. He has spent a lot of time with me in our school and provided a lot of wisdom. After spending 2 years in and out of our school, he said this to me. “Tim, I have worked with over 200 schools in different states for nearly 8 years and I am telling you that I would put your school culture up against any of them.” So Greg encouraged us to go share what we are doing at Coalfield School, what our one-heartbeat mission is about, and where we want it to lead us (to be a strong school).
It was really well received and a couple of the leadership members of the Elgin Foundation spoke to us afterwards asking to visit our school.
Please continue to pray for our school, staff, and students.