Our Coalfield School Story-Week of Nov. 25th

Our Coalfield School story continued with a short week and a time of Thanksgiving.  Mrs. Shelia Harvey and I were invited to Thanksgiving dinner with first grade.  We thoroughly enjoyed our time with first grade.  
Our middle school Beta Club students represented our school very well in Nashville at the state convention.  We had several students who either placed or won the state competition they entered.  I just want to thank our staff members who helped make this happen for our students…Mrs. Kristi Jackson, Mrs. Kristan Conlon Headrick, Coach Basler, and any others who helped sponsor this event.  
We had our financial aide night for seniors and their parents this week.  Thank you for Mrs. Tiffany Deanne Thompson for organizing this event and all that she does for students and families.  
Our PreK had their annual Thanksgiving performance for families.  Thank you to Mrs. Susan Bates and Granny Susan Long for loving our littles the way they do. 
CHS Football 2024 came to an end this week in the semifinals.  We are all proud of our student-athletes and coaches for the wonderful season they provided students, staff, and community.   It’s never bad when you’re one of the final four teams standing in the state.
We are thankful for the donations supplied by former students and those in the community.  These donations went to help provide food for our football team, cheerleaders, and band members this semifinal round. 
Mrs. Andrea Crane and Mrs. Vanessa McDaniel collaborated with Mrs. Brianna Massengale
to create a data wall for our middle school students.  This wall will be a discreet way of highlighting where students score on each IReady benchmark test.  These tests give us an idea of how students will perform on State Tests in the spring. This will allow us to see which students may need extra help in a particular area of study.  
Mr. Peyton Tinker led another God Squad in high school during lunch this past week.  Students who go to God Squad voluntarily meet at lunchtime to discuss scripture.  The Squad averages 30 to 40 students each meeting.
Mrs. Medema’s Introduction to Business class continued managing their businesses this week.  The Christmas Market sold several shirts and continues to advertise and promote their business this week.
I hope everyone of our students, staff, and their families had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.
Please pray for our students, staff, and school as we move into the final weeks of the first semester.