Our Coalfield School Story-Week of Sept. 9th

The Coalfield School Story continued this week with challenges that many other schools are facing as well.  I do not have words that can describe how blessed we are at Coalfield to have staff who relentlessly go above and beyond for our students and their families.  Our custodians, our cafeteria workers, our teachers, our teacher aides, our SRO, our coaches, our volunteers, our office staff, and our counselors do so many things that never get recognized so that our students can have a clean, healthy, and safe environment that will allow them an opportunity to achieve academically and an opportunity to enjoy and excel in athletics.  

I wasn’t able to get into as many classrooms as I would have liked to this week. Those that I did get into I saw our teachers continuing to provide instruction to our students.  I saw our students engaged in the activities their teachers had prepared to help them grow academically.  I saw teachers and students using technology as a tool for learning.  I heard students laughing and conversing with teachers and their peers during activities. I saw students taking exams. I saw them constructing items for projects.  At breakfast and lunch, this week, I saw our awesome cafeteria ladies making sure every student was fed and nourished.  I also, saw them invite nearly 200 grandparents to eat with their grandchildren. They worked diligently to make sure they were all fed as well.  I saw our custodians sweeping, mopping, taking out trash, picking up trash, conversing with our students, wiping down student desks and tables, and mowing.  I saw our SRO going above and beyond and past school hours to keep our staff and students safe.  I saw coaches giving incredible amounts of their time and energy, outside of school hours, to kids and families other than their own. I saw our guidance counselor working beyond school hours to make sure our students and their families are aware of upcoming scholarships, meetings, and more.  I saw our special education teachers conducting meetings with families and working with their students in an inclusive environment.  I saw our graduation coach making sure students do what they need to do to stay on track to graduate. I saw our high school students running a coffee business.  I saw our athletes and coaches compete on the court and the field.  I saw our littles playing on the playground and giving me high-fives or fist bumps when they saw me.  I saw a former student, who is now a United States Marine, come back to talk to our students.  I saw our band and cheerleaders organize and do a pep-rally.  I saw both students and staff, including me, learn from mistakes. 
I say all this to say, I saw a family this week working together to be known as a strong school.  Please keep our staff and students in your prayers daily.