Our Coalfield School Story-Week of March 25

The real March Madness is the week before spring break.  We had a busy, but exciting week at Coalfield School.  Our story continues to highlight a lot of good happening at our school.  We know the challenges we face and we will continue to face them head on. But our story will always celebrate the successes/good things happening at our school.
Our STEM designation visit was a huge success.  Two representatives from TSIN (Tennessee STEM Innovation Network) visited our school and toured the school to observe and verify that STEM education was being provided to our students.  They also conducted a round table discussion asking probing questions to authenticate our STEM program at Coalfield School.  They heard from several staff members and students about the active learning taking place at Coalfield.  They also witnessed the authenticity of STEM education in several classrooms.  Students were able to speak confidently about their learning and the work they were doing in the classrooms because it is what they do on regular basis at Coalfield.  Ms. Casey Bass did a phenomenal job organizing this visit so the folks from TSIN could experience the genuine instruction and learning that teachers and students participate in on a regular basis at our school.  
Speaking of STEM, our middle school students continue to work on furniture and wood art for the silent auction to benefit Izzy Blalock and her family as they continue to battle leukemia.
Our school nurse, Ms.Hillary Swint Freytag, organized an impactful visit by medical professionals from Methodist Medical Center including our own Mari Beth Waschevski.  These professionals had several stations setup in the gym that our middle and high school students rotated through learning about the health effects and dangers associated with vaping.  
Matt the greyhound a 5 year old, rescued racer and emotional support dog, was a hit with students and staff.  He loved on our students and brought a lot of happiness to our students and staff. Kyra the police dog and officer Zack demonstrated some special skills that police K-9 officers are capable of accomplishing.  The medical professionals showed students pictures of lungs affected by vaping.  They also shared expert advice about other lasting effects of vaping.  
Ms. Hillary also organized the Medic blood drive at our school this week.  The Medic employees said they had a great turnout.
Ms. Lauren Thais and Ms. Andrea Crane worked hard to organize a successful College and Career night for students and their families.  Approximately 23 organizations came to the event.  Students and parents spoke to several colleges, armed forces, and local professionals to gain knowledge that might help them consider possible pathways in their future. 
Thank you to Corey Jones for helping setup for this event.  Pastor Corey, of Middle Creek Baptist Church, volunteered his time, truck, and enclosed trailer to haul enough tables to the gym to accommodate all the organizations that supported the College and Career night.
Ms. Whitney Jackson and Ms. Brianna Massengale have worked hard to get student data up associated with iready and Aimsweb testing.  The data is all listed in a discrete and creative way and posted in the hallway without using any student names.  This visual allows teachers to quickly identify student proficiency and movement overtime.  I was able to sit in on Mr. Zach Stewart’s 4th grade class as they played jeopardy reviewing for TCAP. The students were fully engaged and actively learning. I also stopped by Ms. Paula Jones Melhorn class where students were making peeps and engaged in active learning activities.
Our Spring sports teams kept us busy again this week with 10 total games on the schedule.  High School Baseball recorded 2 victories over Oakdale and they also defeated Harriman and Sale Creek.  High School Softball got the win over Rookwood this week.  Again, thank you to all the folks who work hard to provide our student-athletes an opportunity to do what they do.
Middle School students met for God Squad this week during lunchtime.  Students who choose to attend God Squad play games and discuss scripture.  Ms.  Kristan Conlon Headrick sponsors this club which meets every other Monday.  Middle Creek Baptist Church Pastor Corey Jones, Youth/Music Minister Aaron Leslie, and lollipop guru and desert extraordinaire Ms.  Misty Garrett Kring lead students in a time Bible study and games. 
Some high school Students have mentioned  they would like to initiate a high school God Squad.  I love their initiative in this.
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church conducts a Bible Release time each month with our elementary students as well. Ms. Melanie Mckinney along with Pastor Kenny Raines and several other PGBC members lead our elementary students in an hour of Bible study and games. 
Our staff was catered to by Fiesta Charra the Mexican restaurant in Oliver Springs.  These guys did a fantastic job.  It was delicious!  We also had cake for Mr. Kyle David Treece Jr. congratulating him on his upcoming retirement.
I hope staff and students have a restful and enjoyable spring break.
Pray specifically for Izzy Blalock and her family.  Pray for Alex Farr, one of our seniors ,and his family with the passing of his father.  Also, please pray specifically for students as they prepare to test and when they test this spring on TNReady/EOCs and ACT.