Our Coalfield Story-Week of March 18

This week’s story at Coalfield School was another week that kept our students and staff very busy.  Our spring sports teams played a total of 15 ball games this week.  I want to thank our staff and all the volunteers who give of their time and energy to make this happen for our student-athletes.  Our coaches, gatekeepers, those who work to get the fields ready for play, those who do concessions, those who keep the scoreboard, those who volunteer to setup and announce games, and especially Ms. Sheila Walls  who has to get all those gateboxes and umpire checks put together.  It takes a One-Heartbeat effort for sure.  
Thank you to Luke Jackson for organizing The Legends of Tennessee Football Camp for the kids in and around our community.  These guys did more than teach football skills. They spoke to the kids about making good choices, doing well academically, and basically just doing right.  We hope to have them back to speak to our student body.  
Our middle school students continued to build furniture this week.  They hope to have silent auction of the furniture they build at the ballpark in April during one of home, spring sports events.  All proceeds will go to support Izzy Blalock who continues to battle leukemia.  
Some students collaborated together to design and begin building rockets.
Our students and staff continued to count down to testing as we prepare to win the TNReady District Championship.  
We conducted an intruder drill this week.  Our students and staff did a fantastic job of following protocol.  Office Kenny Humphrey has conducted many of these along with much training concerning school intruders and was very pleased with how well our students and staff responded.
I don’t like to mention myself in our story much. Instead, I want our story to be more about the phenomenal things our students and staff are doing each week.  However, to recognize their greatness through something they did this week, I need to include myself. Plus, Ms. Kristan Conlon Headrick sent me pictures about it to include in our story. 
Until you have been in the role of school principal, you cannot understand, or even imagine, the amount of pressure that comes with this job.  Many times you feel alone and not liked very much because of the decisions you must make or the stand you must take in order to do what you feel is best for your students, your staff, or your school as a whole.  My students and my staff blessed me this week with so much love on my birthday that the enemy lost some his power over my thoughts.  Some staff tricked me into coming into the cafeteria where my middle school students sang happy birthday to me.  My 2nd graders gave me beautiful hand written letters about “making it cool to care”…something we discuss every morning during announcements.  My 3rd graders made me heartwarming cards that I thoroughly enjoyed taking time to read and hang in my office.  Then at church that evening, my students continued with the hugs and songs.  After church, I received a picture from Ms. Jessica Lowe and her family of “Timmy” a newborn 🐑 born on my birthday and my namesake. 😂. I love my students and staff.  God is good!
Thank you to all for the encouragement.
Please continue to pray for our staff, students, and their families.  Pray specifically for Izzy Blalock and her family.  Also, please pray specifically for students as they prepare to test and when they test this spring on TNReady/EOCs.